It is common in theaters, concerts, and movies to use PAR lamps and their associated fixtures when a scenario calls for a large amount of flat light. PARCAN lights, which have can-shaped fixtures packed with foil, create a variety of colors by using foil or „gel.“ The PARbars system of color-coded metal rods is used to position cans on each side of the stage to provide the feeling of depth.

They are ideal for several color washes because of their low cost. Front-of-house lighting using PARs is rare because of their inability to dynamically alter beam diameter, shape, and focus. Par light sizes may be utilized above and below the stage to create unusual lighting effects, such as illumination from the top or at extreme angles. Wash lights. When it comes to production design, the ingenuity of par cans is invaluable to low-budget filmmakers.
Inhalt Übersicht
Par light sizes: PAR64 lights with sealed cones and power outputs of 250, 500, or 1000 watts
PAR64 lights with sealed cones and power outputs of 250, 500, or 1000 watts are often used. The beam range is displayed FL on the lamp reflector’s back for flood, Spot, Narrow Spot, and Very Narrow Spot (very narrow spot). On many driveways, a PIR sensor and PAR38 lights with an E22 base and a maximum output of 150 watts were often utilized to illuminate the patio and garden. Popular in nightclubs because of its enormous brightness and low power consumption. Although they were more expensive, these lights had a maximum par 64 power of just 100 W. LED lights are increasingly taking the place of PAR38 bulbs in many homes.
Instead of a PAR array, a white foam reflector is often used when there is specular sunlight. People are switching to LED stage lighting instead of led PAR lamps places for your white light isn’t needed because it uses less energy and can produce a wider range of bright colors without the need for color filters.
PAR bulb base types
Because of the wide diversity of PAR bulb base types, a single bulb type cannot be specified for a specific application. With the right foundation, you can be certain that the bulb of your light fixture will be properly supported. GU10, GU24, and Medium E26 are three of the most often used base types in the lighting market. A variety of PAR light bases between par and are shown in the table below.
Coding Style:
- G10 handle that can be locked and rotated.
- The GU24 gadget may be rotated and locked.
- The medium may be inserted by screwing it in (E26)
- Push-on and screw-on terminals are available for purchase..
- A medium-sized side prong may be plugged in.
- Termination Prong for GX16d Mogul Plug
- Assortment of Uses for a Single Plug-In (Push-on terminals)
In a wide range of settings, PAR lights may be used
From theater and museum lighting to track and flood lighting, PAR bulbs may be employed in a number of settings. Many different forms and sizes are available, as well as many different lumen outputs. When comparing the output of Halogen PAR14 and PAR64 lights, both of which use 35 watts and produce roughly 400 lumens, there is a big disparity.
Par light sizes: The dimensions
In addition to the standard forms and sizes, PAR led light bulbs are available. For a general estimate of the lamp’s size, it’s necessary to divide the PAR size by 8 and multiply the result with a decimal point to obtain the diameter. The PAR56 has a bigger for parabolic aluminized reflector circumference than the 7-inch PAR56 and the 6-inch PAR36 (4.5 inches). To convert to millimeters, people can multiply the PAR value by 3.125. The diameter of a PAR16 light, for example, is 2 inches.
Both the stage and the exterior of the structure are illuminated by lighting
PAR lamps and their accompanying fixtures are frequently used in theaters, concerts, and film sets to provide a large amount of area illumination. Some lights, which have can-shaped fixtures packed with foil, create a variety of colours by using foil or „gel.“ The PARbars system of color-coded metal rods is used to position cans on each side of the stage to provide the feeling of depth.
They are ideal for several color washes because of their low cost. Front-of-house lighting using PARs is rare because of their inability to dynamically alter beam diameter, shape, and focus. Wash lights may be utilized above and below the stage to create unusual lighting effects, such as illumination from the top or at extreme angles. When it comes to production design, the ingenuity of par cans is invaluable to low-budget filmmakers.
Par light sizes: Is there a difference in the color of PAR and BR bulbs?
Because of its narrow beam angle, PAR lights may be used for a variety of applications. This kind of lighting is used in a variety of settings, from theaters and performance sets to street signs. They may be put to a number of different uses by restaurants. Residential ceilings are most often illuminated by recessed cans with BR lamps. The most usual areas to find them are in kitchens, living rooms, and stairwells with high ceilings. For increased coverage and less shadows, the wide beam angle produces less concentrated light.
With the BR Bulb, you have a wider beam angle.
The BR light bulb has a bigger diameter than standard incandescent bulbs. The beam’s diameter is likewise increased as a result of this. A BR light’s beam angle may extend to 180 degrees in rare circumstances. Using only one light bulb, they’re a popular alternative for covering large areas. These lights, which are perfect for recessed lighting in high-ceilinged areas like stairwells and rooms, are typically seen in these types of spaces. Because they cover such a vast area, they assist to minimize shadows where they are placed.
Because of the unique construction of the reflector, certain beam angles are possible. A shorthand for „BR“ is „bulged reflector.“ A bulging reflector in the housing gave them a somewhat bulging form, which was initially supposed to boost light output.